The Smile Gallery at Sarasota Dentistry

Procedure : Porcelain Veneers to Mask Missing Teeth

This case is interesting. We are hoping to be able to add full-face pics should the patient consent. What makes the case interesting is that he is 16 years old. Normally, you try to postpone permanent dental work until the final growth has taken place - about 18 years of age. This young man came to my office with his mother asking for porcelain veneers.

He was in braces for 3 years to fix the gaps created by missing lateral incisors, and he really wanted to be able to smile. You can see here that his smile, even after braces, was visibly misaligned. We discussed bonding and teeth whitening but the patient and his mom really wanted the best long-term results. They wanted porcelain veneers and teeth whitening. Treatment was planned under one condition, He had to floss and brush his teeth to be free of gingivitis before any work would be completed.

He happily obliged and whitening trays were made, delivered and worn for two weeks. A wax-up of his projected smile was completed prior to his veneer preparation visit. The veneers were prepped and temporized with beautiful acrylic temporaries. Three weeks later his new, beautiful porcelain veneers were permanently bonded to his teeth. He now has an amazing smile and a good habit of brushing his teeth and gums.

What could have been done differently? When the patient originally saw the orthodontist 3 years prior, he may have chosen to expand the upper arch and make room for two dental implants to replace the missing lateral incisors.

Which is better? Without consulting with the previous, retired orthodontist, it's hard to say why this treatment was chosen over the other option. It is always good to explore all options prior to committing to treatment. Get educated so you can make the best decision for yourself.